Promising Young Woman Review: This Savagely Funny Film Starring Carey Mulligan, Bo Burnham Is The Coolest Chick Flick Of The Year

Promising Young Woman, starring Carey Mulligan, Bo Burnham, Alison Brie, Clancy Brown, Jennifer Coolidge, Laverne Cox, and Connie Britton, is one of the most savagely funny films in a long time. Check out the review!

Subhash K Jha

Sun Jan 10 2021, 16:50:31 68353 views

Promising Young Woman, starring Carey Mulligan, Bo Burnham, Alison Brie, Clancy Brown, Jennifer Coolidge, Laverne Cox, and Connie Britton, is one of the most savagely funny films in a  long time. Sassy, savvy  sexy and  extremely  intelligent  Promising  Young Woman sparkles with a  wicked with viciously humorous  take on the vigilante culture of cinema  that we’ve been watching  from Death Wish to Zakhmee Aurat.

 Dimple  Kapadia playing an angry cop in  Zakhmee Aurat went around castrating rapists. So it wasn’t just the law she was taking into her hands. For a  film that seems to favour a highly flamboyant  visual  flavor, Promising Youmg Woman is surprisingly low on luridity , high on setting the exacerbated male hormones  right  by planting  a hard rap on …well not the knuckles…but the part  where a rap hurts the most.

 If there is an antidote to pen*s envy, this  film provides  it. Pretending  to be  drunk  the game-changing feather-ruffling  film’s  unforgiving off-beam  heroine Cassie(an outstanding Carey Mulligan) picks up  predators  from a blaring garish bar.  Once  the sloshed  horny bloke is in her innerwear or  near-abouts,Cassie stops  acting drunk…That’s it. The predator sobers up faster than a sinner at confession.

Is this hard to swallow? Not in the world that first-time  director  Emerald Fennel constructs . Cassie’s universe  of  revved -up vendetta is  both a poke at and  a joke on men who think drunk woman are easy prey. There’s no  preaching here,  no pulpit-styled  finger-wagging, though the middle  finger does seem  up  quite often  as Cassie goes from  one toxic prey to another.

 Cassie isn’t normal. Her scenes with her  panic-stricken  parents(played on the verge of hysteria by  Clancy Brown and  Jennifer Coolidge)  show how  far removed she is from reality.Most of  her scenes  with  her parents are played  out  on the dining table. In one of these Cassie’s forgotten  her 30th  birthday. And yet she isn’t a psycho or  a loony  man-hunting for  pleasure.

There are bouts of normalcy when Cassie tries to  adjust to civil way  of  existence, has a nice boyfriend(Bo Burnham) and a  caring bestfriend(transgender  actress Laverne  Cox) . But it  all comes apart and  Cassie’s normalcy bursts at  the  seams, eventuating in  a gut-spilling  brutally bloodied  climax which I found to be the weakest part of the film and not in-sync with the  uneven but  restrained rhythm of storytelling in the  rest  of  the  film.

But still Promising Young Women is more than promising take on  the rape-and-revenge  formula. Bursting with  colour, choler  and  energy .it keeps us enthralled  to the bitter end with bursts of imaginative ingenuity . As  for  Cary Mulligan , expect a Oscar  nomination, which is  not the kind of thing you would expect in a low-brow  film such as this.

 I can see Cassie’s middle-finger going up.

Image Source: Instagram/promisingyoungwoman ,amazon