No Politics For Sonu Sood; Actor Feels He Has Far More Freedom As An Apolitical Entity

'Running the country is a great responsibility. I don’t see myself up to it,' Sonu Sood says.

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No Politics For Sonu Sood; Actor Feels He Has Far More Freedom As An Apolitical Entity
There is a section of netizens that is looking at Sonu Sood as heading towards politics. But India’s primary philanthropist has no intentions of getting into politics at all. Says Sonu, “I don’t see myself in politics. People say it will give me more power and leverage to do the work I am doing. But I look at it  the other way. If I am into politics I’d have to think twice and thrice before dialing anyone. I’d have to consider that person’s political allegiance as compared with mine. I’d have to be very cautious that I don't overstep my political party’s guidelines.”

Sonu feels he has far more freedom as an apolitical entity. “I can call anyone. I can reach out to any organisation without my politics coming my way. So, no politics for me.”

Not even if given the chance to be the next prime minister?

Sonu laughs, “That is not even a remote possibility. Running the country is a great  responsibility. I don’t see myself up to it. I would rather be a soldier in the battle to better our nation than the chief commanding officer.”

Image source: Spotboye Archive