Side A Side B REVIEW: Sudhish Kamath’s Bittersweet Musical Drama Is A SUCCESSFUL Rendition Which Will Keep You Hooked To Its Tune

Side A Side B boasts quite a detailed premise giving you an outstanding overview of the romantic relationships turning chaotic.

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Side A Side B REVIEW: Sudhish Kamath’s Bittersweet Musical Drama Is A SUCCESSFUL Rendition Which Will Keep You Hooked To Its Tune
Directed by Sudhish Kamath, Side A Side B is an indie feature film narrating the bittersweet romantic journey of a young couple -  Shivi (Shivranjani Singh) and Lou who take their last train journey before heading their separate ways to explore career opportunities.

Unpopular opinion: Hindi film industry is barely surviving on content from regional and niche quarters of the entertainment industry. 

The emergence of OTT platforms and YouTube can be easily regarded as a breath of fresh air for the audience seeking much more than just mainstream drama. While these platforms have readily offered a plethora of opportunities for filmmakers to explore their creativity, Sudhish Kamath’s Side A Side B has turned out to be a quintessential musical love story. 

Distanced by fate and their urge to explore their career goals, Joel and Shivi’s love story is quite a relatable sight to a massive chunk of individuals seeking career growth and grabbing the professional opportunities that lay ahead of them. The fictional drama is quite raw to its core and highly relatable attempt detailing the young couple’s last train journey together, with their cat Lou, from Guwahati to Mumbai, attempting to tackle and salvage their separation while the fate of their relationship hangs in the balance.

Interestingly, the film takes you through a rollercoaster of emotions that individual experiences while trying to part ways with his or her loved ones.

Shivi claims to be overshadowed by her boyfriend Lou, who is apparently sketched as a young challenger eager to fly high and scale great heights as a singer and musician. Contrasting to his girlfriend, Lou possesses an emotional personality, balancing the non-fictional narrative of the characters. 

The live music playing out through ten songs captures the climactic moments between the young lovers torn between ambition and growing distance as Joel and Shivi realise they might be headed in different directions.

The impressive scripting and catchy songs form a sturdy platform for the director to amuse the audience with a tragic love story. 

Well, Shivranjani Singh and Rahul Rajkhowa make an interesting cast and they are quite convincing as Shivi and Lou respectively. 

Honestly, nothing beats the essence of tumultuous and dramatic life, maybe that’s what love stories are all about. Diving deep into relevance for our individuality, Side A Side B Shivi and Lou’s gripping tale might be an ideal lesson for many to seem to have difficulties handling their relationships. 

In conclusion, the film’s exposition makes for an effective element that will hold your attention. An experiment at its at the heart, Side A Side B boasts quite a detailed premise giving you an outstanding overview of romantic relationships growing sour as the characters’ priorities witness disruptive changes.

Ratings: 4/5

Image Source: IMDB