Subodh Bhave Appeals People On Instagram To Help Kolhapur Sangli Flood Victims

Subodh Bhave stands by Maharashtra flood victims, utilizes Instagram as a medium, urges fans to make donations across various donation centres in Maharashtra

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Subodh Bhave Appeals People On Instagram To Help Kolhapur Sangli Flood Victims
Subodh Bhave is the superstar with a sense of responsibility. He has proven this with his notable contribution to giving back to the society. Besides being a talented actor and director, Subodh has been extensively involved in social initiatives like being the brand ambassador of Swacch Bharat Abhiyan in Pune and starting a YouTube channel to keep the art of storytelling to kids.

Subodh Bhave recently took to Instagram to urge fans to make donations across various donation centres in Maharashtra. He shared a video where he acknowledged that the pain and suffering that the flood victims are going through is tremendous and the film fraternity stands by the victims in these times of trial. He shared the contact and location details of donation pick-up centres and urged the fans, followers and peers to join hands and donate as much as possible to this cause.

The response to this donation camp was tremendous in just a single day. He further uploaded a video thanking the people of Maharashtra for their overwhelming response and announcing 3 more donation camps in multiple locations to ensure people can donate maximum things at their convenient locations.

The incessant rains from 1st to 10th August causing swelling of the river Panchaganga and its tributaries led to overflowing dams across southern Maharashtra. This caused week-long flooding in adjoining areas, prominently Kolhapur and Sangli. More than 15,000 families were evacuated by the Armed and Naval forces, still leaving more than 29 people dead. The magnitude of damage to property and agriculture is large. Marathi film industry extended an arm of support in trying times giving some relief to the people of Maharashtra.

Image Source:- instagram/subodhbhave