Krishna Shroff On Her Entry Into Fitness: ‘I Was Going Through A Break Up And Figured It Was Time To Prioritise Myself And Do Something Transformational’- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO

Krishna Shroff traces back her journey into fitness from where the interest originated to her future plans

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Krishna Shroff On Her Entry Into Fitness: ‘I Was Going Through A Break Up And Figured It Was Time To Prioritise Myself And Do Something Transformational’- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO
Krishna Shroff was inspired by her brother Tiger Shroff to get into the fitness routine, and today she has made a mark for herself in the budding industry and her own physical transformation is for the world to see. Recently, she was even felicitated with an award for her contribution towards fitness and in an exclusive conversation with, Krishna gets candid about her fitness journey, how she got into it and the future. Read excerpts from the interview.

Krishna, how did your interest in fitness originate?

I think it was really always at the core of who I am. I was an extremely athletic kid growing up and had an active childhood. Even though I was overweight, it didn’t stop me from excelling at sports. I played many sports, football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, you name it, and I always gave it a try. I love to be active, move around and be outside. I am not a very indoorsy kind of person.

I stepped into the gym for the first time about five-and-a-half years ago when I was 23. I was pretty open about my relationship back then and was growing through a breakup. I just figured it was time to prioritize myself and do something transformational. And that’s where my fitness journey truly began and I fell in love with it. Being able to be better than yesterday and see the potential,l both your physicality and mentality can reach, was really motivating for me to keep going.

Your father had mentioned that you were an overweight kid in childhood, how did that play a part in your journey?

I was definitely an overweight kid growing up. I was 86 kgs when I was 14-years-old. I am not one to let outside voices affect me at all today because I have a sense of security in myself now. But as a young teenager, those voices are very disheartening and demotivating. My family is in the limelight so it automatically made me a part of it too, and I remember reading these mean and cruel comments about me being overweight. I was a young teenager and couldn’t understand why people had the need to attack someone. It didn’t make sense to me and those people didn’t understand the harmful effect their comments have on the other person. So, I went through that but to some extent, I definitely used it as fuel.

Also, I think it shows how that involvement in fitness has made you more confident and gave you a sense of security…

For sure. Initially, when I started my journey and noticed the changes in me physically, I loved them and found the way I looked amazing. And that automatically transformed my mental state too. I felt this shift in my mentality and I automatically started feeling more confident and was able to push myself harder every day. It gave me newfound security and I didn’t live to please people anymore as I was so content and satisfied with myself.

Your father had mentioned that your answer for acting in films is still a no, but if something resonating with your thought process comes up, you might take it up. Is he right?

Initially, the answer was very much a stern no, but I think I am getting much more comfortable with myself and that world. So, if something clicks, maybe I will consider it, but still, it is definitely very much 80 percent no and a 20 percent yes or maybe.

You are an avid traveler and Covid kind of put a brake on that. So, how did it affect you?

I am not going to lie; I have been traveling a lot through the pandemic. I have been pretty lucky and blessed to be able to do that. I have been in and out of the country and within the country as well, so in that sense, it hasn’t affected me as such.

Travel is my passion and I can’t stay at the same place for a long time. I need to get out, explore new things, see new places, meet new people and eventually come back to my base in Mumbai. I love that kind of lifestyle.

So, any plans to go somewhere in the near future?

I just got back from Goa and it was an instantaneous plan. Also, we had Matrix Fight Night 6 in Dubai on September 24.

What’s next for Krishna in life?

I am a very spontaneous person and not someone to tell people my five-year or ten-year plans. At the end of the day, even tomorrow isn’t promised, so I am someone who goes with the flow. Right now, I am just open to receiving diverse opportunities and I never put my eggs in one basket, so whatever comes my way, if it resonates with me, I am happy to do it. 

Image Source: Instagram/kishushroff, YouTube/SpotboyE, SpotboyE Archives