Britney Spears’ Sister Jamie Lynn Breaks Her Silence After Singer’s Conservatorship Hearing; Longtime Friend Christina Aguilera Extends Support

Britney Spears gets support from her sister Jamie Lynn and long-time friend Christina Aguilera after conservatorship hearing. Read On

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Britney Spears’ Sister Jamie Lynn Breaks Her Silence After Singer’s Conservatorship Hearing; Longtime Friend Christina Aguilera Extends Support
‘Toxic’ singer Britney Spears made it to the headlines recently after she made a long speech during her conservatorship hearing. She broke her silence against the ‘abusive’ conservatorship and urged the judge to end it. During the hearing in Los Angeles, Spears told the judge she wants her life back. While many continue to show support to Britney, she gets support from her sister Jamir Lynn and long-time friend Christina Aguilera. Jamie shared a video on her Instagram stories, while Aguilera voiced her support in a series of tweets.

Taking to her Instagram stories, Jamie Lynn said she always has and ‘always will’ support Britney. She said she want to take a second to address a few things. Lynn revealed why she maintained her silence on the topic and did not address it publicly. She said that it wasn’t her place and it wasn’t the right thing to do. Jamie said, “ But now that she's (Britney) very clearly spoken and said what she needed to say, I feel like I can follow her lead and say what I feeI I need to say." She continued, "Since the day I was born, I've only loved adored and supported my sister.” Jamie said she does not care if Britney wants to run away to a rainforest or have a zillion babies in the middle of nowhere, or “if she wants to come back and dominate the world the way she has done so many times before.” She said she has nothing to lose or gain in away from Britney. Lynn added, “This situation does not affect me either way, because I'm only her sister who's only concerned about her happiness."

Jamie Lynn continued by saying she had made a "very conscious choice" to "only participate" in Britney's life as a sister. She mentioned she has done everything on her own since she was a child. Talking about it, Lynn said, “I paid my freakin bills since I was 10 years old. Not that I owe the public anything, because my sister knows I love and support her... I'm not my family. I'm my own person. And I'm speaking for myself. Jamie cleared she supports her sister before there was a hashtag and will continue to do it even after. She said she “proud” of Britney for using her voice and requesting a new counsel, “like I (she) told her”. Ending the message, Jamie Lynn said, “If ending the conservatorship and flying to Mars or whatever the hell else she wants to do to be happy, I support that 100% because I support my sister; I love my sister.”

Taking to Twitter and Instagram stories, Christina Aguilera made a series of tweets to talk about Britney and what she has been going through. She extended her support to the Toxic singer. Aguilera said in one of her tweet “To be silenced, ignored, bullied or denied support by those “close” to you is the most depleting, devastating and demeaning thing imaginable. The harmful mental and emotional damage this can take on a human spirit is nothing to be taken lightly.” Christina stressed upon how every woman must have the right to her own body, her own reproductive system, her own privacy, her own space, her own healing space, and her own happiness. Also Read: Britney Spears Shares FIRST Post After Conservatorship Hearing; Apologizes For 'Pretending' To Be Ok As She Was 'Embarrassed' To Share What Happened To Her
Christina Aguileras Instagram stories Christina Aguileras Instagram stories

Christina Aguilera's Instagram stories

Christina Aguilera further continued, “To a woman who has worked under conditions and pressure unimaginable to most, I promise you she deserves all of the freedom possible to live her happiest life.” She extended her support to Britney and said, “My heart goes out to Britney. She deserves all the TRUE love and support in the world.” Aguilera said Britney deserves all the True love and support in the world. 

Image source: Instagram/ ; SpotboyE Archives