Kaali Peeli Tales Trailer Review: Amazon’s Mini TV Anthology Looks Interestingly Mixed N Matched

Kaali Peeli Tales is directed by Adees Rais whose short film Aunty Ji had Shabana Azmi befriending an acid-attack survivor.

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Kaali Peeli Tales Trailer Review: Amazon’s Mini TV Anthology Looks Interestingly Mixed N Matched
Amazon is pushing further into zones exploring human relationships. Their new anthology Kaali Peeli Tales  in the ‘Mini TV’ series seems like a good way to re-acquaint ourselves with the vernacular of the urban nomad. These are characters you would probably run into in Mumbai’s suburbs while waiting for a taxi or bus .

The trailer tells us that Maanvi Gagroo(good to see her back) has fallen in love with her gay intern. As if that isn’t enough of a problem, she is already married. Elsewhere in the trailer, I saw a girl trying desperately to impress Vinay Pathak about her boyfriend. Soni Razdan hovered in the background as the anxious matriarch. And Sayani Gupta stared at the sea and surmised how small her problems seemed when she stood facing the ocean.

There is a designer-wisdom at work here weaving the stories together in a pastiche resembling an urbane feast. A burp rather than a belch. A sigh of appreciation rather than a roar of approval is what this anthology streaming on Amazon MINI TV from August 20, seeks. And from what I saw in the trailer, I will get it.

Kaali Peeli Tales is directed by Adees Rais whose short film Aunty Ji had Shabana Azmi befriending an acid-attack survivor. Rais has this ability to talk about social issues without talking down to the casualties of social prejudice. That ability comes in handy in this sextet of stories. Can’t wait to see them.

Image source: Youtube/AmazonMiniTv