SPOILERS AHEAD! Here’s What Moon Knight Season Finale’s Mid-credits Scenes Reveal, And Internet Is Going Crazy

Moon Knight’s final episode gracefully tied up many loose ends and brought several arcs to their conclusion

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SPOILERS AHEAD! Here’s What Moon Knight Season Finale’s Mid-credits Scenes Reveal, And Internet Is Going Crazy
Marvel fans can’t stop crushing over its latest web series - ‘Moon Knight’ and the show came to a conclusion on Wednesday as the sixth and final episode of season 1 premiered around the world. 

The final episode gracefully tied up many loose ends and brought several arcs to their conclusion, it managed to lay the groundwork for a potential season 2 as well. The entire scenario occurred in a brief mid-credits scene that appeared after the episode ended. 

The recently witnessed post-credits scenes are quite common in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), something the films and shows of the franchise have used to tease future projects and connect to other films, interestingly Moon Knight does the same. 

As per the series, Moon Knight stars Oscar Isaac in the title role and after he dons the costume, the protagonist beings navigating between his two personalities-Marc Spector and Steven Grant.

The show saw Moon Knight square up against Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke), a zealot trying to break free of the vengeful Egyptian goddess Ammit.

Notably, the finale showed how the two managed to return to life and once again be Khonshu’s avatar as the Moon Knight. Together, with help from Marc’s wife Layla (May Calamawy), they stopped Ammit and Harrow. However, despite Khonshu’s insistence, Mark refused to kill Harrow.

Meanwhile, the mid-credits scene featured that Harrow was put in a mental institution and it showed how an unknown individual wheeled Harrow out of the place, seemingly to help him escape. As the person put Harrow in a limousine, he sees Khonshu, dressed in a suit.

There, Khonshu reveals that Marc is more troubled than the viewers previously thought and there is a third personality lurking in that body. He then reveals Jake Lockley (also Oscar Isaac), who promptly shoots Harrow to death.

Later, it can be seen that Marc suffers from dissociative identity disorder due to childhood trauma. There were hints of a third personality inside his body as there were times on the show when both Mark and Stephen blacked out. It has now been revealed that in those times, it was Jake who took control.

Amid the conclusion of season 1, the internet showed a great zest throughout the season. And some are even happy with the fact that Moon Knight strongly runs parallel to the comics.

To many fans, Harrow’s death and Jake’s introduction sets up a second season perfectly, where the show can delve deeper into Marc’s psyche. Others were excited about how the show portrayed Jake as a Latino (the character speaks Spanish in the show), bringing more diversity to the MCU.

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