Phulala Sugandh Maaticha, August 2nd, 2021, Written Updates Of Full Episode: Kirti Saves Bhingri's Life By Putting Her Own Life On The Line
Phulala Sugandh Maaticha, August 2nd, 2021, Written Updates Of Full Episode: Kirti Saves Bhingri's Life By Putting Her Own Life On The Line. To honor her work and courage, the DCP invites the Jamkhedkar to the honor ceremony arranged for Kirti.

As the Jamkhedkar family and the whole town is in danger, Kirti again wins everyone’s heart by using her intelligence to save everyone. As a terrorist group intrudes the town, the Police force finds a clue that links terrorists to Bhingri. Suspecting that Bhingri has been kidnapped by the terrorists, the DCP tells this information to Kirti. Using her intelligence, Kirti helps the Police to find out the terrorist group and Bhingri. During this time, the innocent Rajkumar’s true identity gets revealed, as he’s the leader of the terrorist group. With the help of the Police and her master plan, Kirti gets closer to capturing Rajkumar in the act, but Rajkumar successfully runs away without revealing his identity. Further, Kirti finds Bhingri at the wedding. Finding out that she’s wrapped with a bomb, Kirti saves Bhingri and catches Rajkumar. After catching him, Kirti realizes that the bomb that Bhingri had was just a diversion and the real one was among the gift.
She quickly grabs the gift box containing the bomb and throws it off the cliff, saving everyone. In her courageous act, Kirti gets injured. Everyone praises her act and treats her wounds as they get back home.
Now, in today’s Phulala Sugandha Maaticha episode, Shubham sits beside Kirti as she lies down on the bed. He seems to be disturbed by the fact that he was about to lose Kirti forever. Kirti comforts him, telling him that she’ll never leave him as she won’t be able to handle it as well. While the couple is talking Jiji Akka knocks on the door. Wanting to talk with Kirti alone, Jiji Akka sends Shubham outside. Asking Kirti how is she feeling? Jiji Akka opens up to her. While letting her know what is she feeling, Jiji Akka tells Kirti that she always wanted a daughter-in-law who could take care of her family and house chores. As Jiji Akka asks Kirti to become more like a housewife, Kirti seems to be upset about it. Shubham enters the room while Jiji Akka is talking and Jiji Akka leaves the room asking Kirti to think about what she said.
The next day, Kirti gets back to work although everyone asks her to take a rest. As she is working, Shubham teases her by pointing the mirror at her. Jiji Akka notices the couple getting more closer. Meanwhile, Janhavi interrupts Kirti, asking her to help with her studies. At that time, DCP enters the house. Praising Kirti more for her work, the DCP hands over an invitation card to the Jamkhedkar, letting them know that the Police have arranged an Honor ceremony for Kirti. Everyone looks happy about it except Jiji Akka and Sonali.
After a while, Shubham gets a call from Sagar where Sagar tells him the good news that Sagar has become a father. Shubham quickly calls Kirti. After hearing that she has become an aunt, Kirti gets overjoyed and her happiness increases more as she finds out that the child is a girl. Bursting out of happiness, Kirti hugs Shubham and Jiji AKka catches them. As Jiji Akka starts scolding the couple, they let her know that Kirti’s brother has become the father of a girl. Jiji Akka feels happy for him but says an upsetting thing that a boy child would’ve been better. Kirti contradicts her statement, but Jiji Akka refuses it. After that Kirti asks for Jiji Akka’s permission to go and take care of her sister-in-law for few days.
Image source: Hotstar