Phulala Sugandh Maaticha, September 28th, 2021, Written Updates Of Full Episode: Jiji Akka Is Upset About Kirti And Shubham's Lies

Phulala Sugandh Maaticha, September 28th, 2021, Written Updates Of Full Episode: Jiji Akka Is Upset About Kirti And Shubham's Lies. Kamla Mavshi humiliates Jiji Akka as she finds a nappie hanging on Jamkhedkar’s door.

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Phulala Sugandh Maaticha, September 28th, 2021, Written Updates Of Full Episode: Jiji Akka Is Upset About Kirti And Shubham's Lies
Kirti and Shubham sneak inside the house without being noticed by everyone. On the next, they visit the class but return quickly, as the lecture gets canceled. While returning, they both meet with a motorcycle accident on the oil spilt road. Further, they come home and attend to each other’s wounds. On the next day, while they try to hide their wounds, Bhingri asks them about the oil stains on their clothes. 

Now, in today’s Phulala Sugandha Maaticha episode, Kirti gets questioned as Bhingri finds oil stains on her saree as well. But while she tries to answer, Bhingri herself admits that she mistakenly put Shubham’s clothes with hers, meaning that must’ve stained Kirti’s clothes as well. Further, Kirti continues to read the newspaper and also reads the news about accidents that happened on the Nagar road. As Bhau asks her to read further, Kirti goes to the kitchen to put the cooker off, leaving the paper to him. Tushar takes the newspaper and reads the news. While reading, he tells everyone that various accidents happened on the Nagar road due to the oil spillage. While reading he mentions Civil Hospital, which makes Bhau realize that he has to visit the hospital to see his friend. Bhau then asks Shubham to take him, but Shubham tries to postpone it as he doesn’t have his motorcycle. Meanwhile, Tushar recognizes Shubham’s motorcycle from the photograph in the newspaper.  

He then goes outside to see if it is there and comes back telling everyone that Shubham’s scooter is not there. He then tells everyone that Shubham must’ve caught up in that accident as his scooter was found on the Nagar road. Hearing that, Jiji Akka inquires Shubham and Kirti. Further, Sonali also mentions Kirti hiding her wounds. Jiji Akka then asks them why did they not tell her and Tushar answers her saying that they must’ve snuck out for a movie. As Shubham stands speechless, Jiji Akka takes it for a yes and gets upset with Shubham. While others try to trigger Jiji Akka’s anger, they fail to do it, as Jiji Akka leaves them alone. 

Further, Kirti feels guilty about Jiji Akka losing faith in Shubham, but Shubham asks her not to worry while offering her a sweet dish. On the other hand, Sonali complains about not being as fortunate as Kirti, in front of Vikram, but he keeps ignoring her. As she realizes that she’s being ignored, Sonali tries to annoy Vikram, but Vikram asks her to solve her problem with Jiji Akka. Further, Sonali lays a trap to humiliate Kirti in front of everyone. 

After a while, Kamla Mavshi and a woman from the neighborhood laugh at Jiji Akka’s door. Everyone gathers at the door and asks Kamla Mavshi about the reason that they are laughing so loud. Replying to Jiji Akka and everyone, Kamla Mavshi makes fun of Kirti’s sewing skills while showing them the nappie hanging on Jamkhedkar’s door. Jiji Akka feels humiliated, as her neighbors make fun of her family. Shubham calms the situation down and asks Kamla Mavshi to leave. As the nappie that Kirti saw becomes an embarrassment for the family, Jiji Akka gets furious at Kirti and goes straight to her room. Going in, Jiji Akka picks up the sewing machine from Kirti’s room. Kirti tries to stop her, Jiji Akka doesn’t listen to her and takes the machine to her room. Further, Sonali tries to put oil on fire, but Bhau refuses to believe that Kirti has done something like this. Hearing him, Jiji Akka also says that she doesn't believe that Kirti has done it, instead, it is a result of Kirti’s carelessness. She says that the nappie must’ve flown to the door, as Kirti left it somewhere carelessly. Further, she asks everyone to leave, as she doesn’t want to talk more about the topic. 

Image source: Hotstar