Pregnant Twins Brie And Nikki Bella Talk About FISHY CRAVINGS And Getting Inducted Into WWE Hall of Fame

Call it a coincidence or what, WWE stars Brie and Nikki Bella who are twins are pregnant at the same time and are looking forward to embracing motherhood soon. Another good news is that they are going to get inducted into WWE Hall Of Fame. In a recent interview, they spoke about their pregnancy journey and the achievement.

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Pregnant Twins Brie And Nikki Bella Talk About FISHY CRAVINGS And Getting Inducted Into WWE Hall of Fame
Total Bella stars Nikki and Brie left everyone in surprise when they announced their pregnancy together. Call it destiny or just a simple coincidence, Twin sisters are pregnant together. They are enjoying every bit of this journey to motherhood and are even talking about it in the interviews. The cherry on the cake is that Brie and Nikki are going to get inducted into WWE Hall of Fame for all the hard work they put in, in this sport. So in a recent interview, she shared how happy they are and also about the cravings they have these days.

In the new episode of The Bellas podcast, Nikki revealed, "A tuna sandwich, that’s like our biggest craving yet." Brie then went on to reveal about her reaction when she got to know about the induction in Hall Of Fame. She said, "It was actually pretty cool because, Nicole and I were in the car together driving,” Brie recalled. “I don’t even know where we were going, probably grabbing lunch.”

Nikki further added, "It was definitely a moment I will remember for the rest of my life because it’s like when you have dedicated so much to a career and a company for so long and have given it your all, your body, your everything, your life, all of it, your time, there’s nothing more amazing than the man that runs it all to call you and just say the most amazing things about you," as reported by

It did not stop here. Nikki who is almost 16 weeks pregnant went on to talk about having a look at the baby and 'bragging'. She said, "Artem and I got to see our baby two days ago. Oh my goodness you guys, our baby, I know everyone feels this way, which you should, is so cute and it’s like, babies are already getting personalities.” Further adding, “Like, our baby was flexing for us and then you get so proud right, I’m going to brag. Our doctor was like, ‘I can’t believe the fat already around the arm.'”

Brie then spoke about how amused she is to see her having the same cravings like her sister. She said, "Everything about Nicole and I, we’re just like, we feel the same, our cravings are the same, everything is identical and it’s tripping me out because none of this is what I went through with Birdie.”

Image Source: Instagram/thenikkibella