Bipasha Drives Organiser Mad; Flies To London Free & Refuses To Perform?
This Bipasha Basu-Karan Singh Grover story has many layers. Bollywood is abuzz with whispers that it happened in UK. Take a look...

For those who think that Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh
Grover are in London for a holiday- courtesy their pictures on social media,
this one is for you!
This afternoon, I came across a post on Facebook from a
show co-ordinator Ronita Sharma Rekhi which read as follows:
M sorry I am tagging people here I usually don't do this
but m Cheated, tricked and fooled by an artist who promised to do an event for
me in London.... insulted me , her manager and my Client who worked so hard to
fulfill her unwanted demands for her and her so called actor/wannabe husband!!!
I am still not naming them because they have my clients hard earned money (read
hard earned money) and not money earned by cheating people. I have a lot of
friends from my industry in bombay people who work hard, are honest and yes
ethical. I want to aks eash one of you one thing whoever you go for events
don't you all have a little trouble, miscommunication and arguments? We all do
right??? Here also few things like that happened let me tell you every detail
now so i know m wrong or right
I booked this certain artist and she passéd me on to her
very kind but tortured by her, manager, who is like a wet cat in front of her.
The money quoted was agreed too. Thn started the demands one extra business
class for husband, I agreed to it too . She was to do a ramp walk and a photo
shoot for a magazine cover for me so basically 2 days of work and 3 nights of
stay but she asked me 5 nights my client agreeed to that too . A suite room
which we agreed again. Now when the advances had to be paid I agree we had a
little delay and paid it aft two days but mind that before her flight to
london!!! There was a delay because of certain reasons but what matters is she
got advances before she left her home for London thn it was decided thn the
balance be given to her in pounds to spend when she lands at d airport itself I
said yes but due to little delay by the client who I must tell u is a 25 year
old girl who single handedly put up a great show yesterday and so because of not
sleeping the previous night had mild fever and requested me if I could meet her
at d hotel where she would pay her the moment she lands. Tell me how would it
matter if she got the money in d hotel and not at d airport itself??? Thn she
wanted SIM cards the moment she lands. I kept it ready and even recharged for 5
pounds because the guy at d store told me first insert the card in ur phone
follow d instructions check if 5 pounds is recharged and thn full more recharge
offcourse that I am also new here I managed to get things for her but when she
landed she asked me where's d SIM card n how much too up when I told her
everything she threw d SIM cards on her managers face and shouted at me saying
what the fuck u think m a beggar what d fuck is 5 pounds ??? Now the hotel we
had booked which was grange hotel n a suite for her was ready but because Madam
wanted Mayfair yes we had booked Mayfair earlier but because her demands for
extra nights the Mayfair didn't have the room she requested we had to change. I
want to ask one question again her what is this need and tantrum to stay in a
suite room only that too the most expensive one..... now comes all d drama n
twists now that she has landed and knows we r under hostile to all her tantrums
she asked us to book Montcalm hotel which we offered but she called and asked
them to book the park lane suite which was d most expensive suite in the hotel.
Almost 800 to 1000 pounds for a night do u know how much is that??? Almost 70
to 85,000 a night tell me is this just? And why this trouble because she feels
we disrespected her!!! Further on she reaches the hotel and here my client is
waiting for her with flowers and chocolates and yes also her money but she
ignores all of that and shouts at her, at this girl who is a self made, honest,
hard working and talented and deserving to be where she is right now. She tells
her that she is the worst organiser in front of hundred people at d lobby. This
organiser of mine who I want to speak up for today didn't deserve any of it at
all.... yes one thing she did deserve is a little pat on her back for being so
strong to get an artist all d way from india and trying to give her so much
importance which I feel she shouldn't have at all!!! Now she checks into the
hotel shamelessly after making her manager yes that poor girl too who is
terrified and hassled and is crying and telling us how she is always under
pressure and scared to open her mouth in front of her because she has turned
very violent recently and also shouts at her for little things in front of
people... my client is crying , I am begging her to and Asking do forgiveness
but in all this she and her husband walk to the room which is a suite but she
feels its too small for her n her six pack husband.... no problem my client
upgraded her to a 600 pounds night room but as we had promised 5 nights this
actress said if we do not pay for all d five nights she will not do our event
so now this is like a gun point situation... my helpless client thn went to d
front desk and requested them to plz book five nights straight up but the
hotels manager who also was looking at our situation n feeling bad about it
mentioned she has to pay straight up no worries my client Said ok I will but
for now I have only 1,000 pounds n my mother is on d way so 2,000 il give when
she comes for now take this thousand and book madam and ensure she is
comfortable.... imagine 5 nights of 600 pound costing my client 3000 pounds but
she did it still! But in the mean while this actress calls the hotel to see if
all d money is paid or not n the hotel says 2 nights is paid waiting for
another 3 in sometime by thn we have also sent her the balance money which the
manager has taken to give her to her room. But because we didn't book her yet
for the total 5 nights as we had to wait for money she flipped out and sent the
manager with the monies back saying il not work n do this event. These people r
useless and don't know how to work??? Yes we don't know how to work but u know
isn't it??? Firstly bringing ur husband to london which I feel is just to
travel on somebody's else's cost!!! Thn to trouble people around with all ur
tantrums and threats .... as the manager came with the money I told her plz
don't do this plz my client doesn't deserve this treatment yes there was little
delay but it was all done. But this poor manager can't do nothing because she
is shivering and yes is being thrown out by her artist from the room. My client
now starts panicking and is very scared coz she has sponsors booked and people
waiting to see this actress for her event today. I asked my client to leave so
she doesn't get a Panick attack and yes by thn we have also paid for her 3
nights extra which we agreed too! But this actress told the hotel not to accept
it n return to us . Now the thing is not about money to us it was about our
reputation but this actor who has turned viscious by now has just left us
saying she will not come for the show.... and closes the door. I turned to her
manager but she is so scared to go to her thinking she will turn violent. Just
imagine we mangers work 24*7 for our artist give them all our time, health and
youth to keep them happy and I must say almost every artist I know are so kind,
respectful and loving towards their manager but this actress omg was so rude
and bossy in other word she literally treated her like a nobody! I thn go to
her and beg her request her but she doesn't open the door. I messaged her
asking for apologies n forgiveness not because I was wrong but because I
thought it will turn this heartless person into a human but she blocked me. By
now my designers have come make up artist has come waiting for her but she has
not opened her door still and stopped all communication . In all this I want to
inform u that this poor manager of her who is a girl first is alone in the
hotel lobby after a 10 hours flight tired , hungry scared and Alone but this
actress is not bothered she booked herself n her husband a room but she had no
decency to ask where her manager is. I asked the manager to plz eat something n
assured her a room to stay but she politely refused because she had more
respect and she understood what we r going through . Now after waiting four
hours for her she doesn't open her door and I had to send d designers, make up
artist back coz they had to work for the event and as as we say the show must
go on!!! Our artist never opened the dooor leaving all of us helpless even
after doing everything she wanted. I am writing this to spread this as much as
we can n I need ur help because now m scared that i won't get any of my
advances back as her agency is not replying to me and also I need all my
clients money that she spent on the travel of her , her husband' manager and
visa for her manger n tickets which costed almost 7,8000 pounds!!! If I don't
get a result in the next 24 hours I will reveal her name and I am not scared to
speak up because a woman who has no respect for others and is cruel is not a
heroine for me she is just a mere actress who gets to paid in her case that is
also not there anymore because she hardly gets any work anywhere. Or maybe
because of her not working anymore she has forgetten how to work at all!!! I
understand being an actor makes one feel that they r above everybody but that
is a wrong attitude. I won't let other girls like me who have studied worked
hard and reached wherever we could in our small way not get ruined by actresses
like her who have no respect for others, no ethics n above all have no humanity
all they care is about money that's all!!! I want all d artist and my fellow mangers
to share this post so it reaches to her managers and herand they return all our
loses with an apology to my client. And to her manage n agency listen up, stand
up for what's right coz you all also deserve respect and recoginsation for ur
work. You are not just a puppet the way u need her she needs u too!!! And don't
bow down to her tantrums like this because in The end your jobs needs to give u
dignity , satisfaction and work and not just 20 percent commission !!! And to
this actress all I have to say is GET WELL SOON..... Now let's see how many
actually feel m right or wrong!!! It's time to say no to unnecessary demands of
celebrity like her!!! Raise your damn voice. has learnt that the actress in question in the above post is Bipasha Basu and the 1 Plus 1 man is Karan Singh Grover.
Imagine! Bipasha flies down to London for a show and ends up NOT doing it for reasons which are extremely disturbing to even pen down, if the cordinator's allegations are anything to go by.
When contacted, Ronita Sharma Rekhi said, "All that we want now is our money back. I wouldn't like to say anything more at this stage."
We texted Bipasha to get her version but she chose to not respond.
We gave her 90 minutes to revert but she did not despite having read our message. 90 minutes after we published the story, her spokesperson shot out a statement to us, which read:
Bipasha has always had a spotless reputation for more than 15 years in the industry and has been a thorough professional. Unfortunately, the organisers didn’t honour their commitment as promised in terms of hospitality and logistics , on landing Bipasha had to book her own hotel stay. What happened was completely unprofessional on the organisers part.
Thumbnail Image Source: instagram/bipashabasu & iamksgofficial