Prince William On Mental Health Crisis, Reveals He Was Engulfed By A Dark Cloud Of Depression

Prince William opened up about his mental health crisis after helping to save the life of a gravely injured boy.

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Prince William On Mental Health Crisis, Reveals He Was Engulfed By A Dark Cloud Of Depression
Prince William is doing his part to raise mental health awareness over the holidays this year. 

The Duke of Cambridge on a special festive episode of ‘Time to Walk’ by Apple Fitness+ revealed that he was engulfed by a dark cloud of anguish and depression following a devastating accident. The Duke vividly described how his torment left him feeling as if 'the whole world was dying'. 

Prince William was subject to mental health crisis after he helped, save the life of a gravely injured boy only a few years older than his son, Prince George, while working as a helicopter pilot for the air ambulance service.

The podcast will see the Duke being extraordinarily frank and describe how he was deeply affected by the incident that left him devastated and yearning for mental peace. 

Overwhelmed by depressive feelings, he says it was as if 'something had changed' inside him.

According to Daily Mail, his despair intensified after a few weeks and he described it as it was 'like someone had put a key in a lock and opened it without me giving permission to do that'.

He adds: “You just feel everyone's pain, everyone's suffering. And that's not me. I've never felt that before.”

In the podcast, the Prince describes how talking to colleagues and meeting the boy's family enabled him to conquer his demons over time. It is understood that William was referring to a car accident that left five-year-old Bobby Hughes brain damaged in 2017. 

Last night, the boy's mother, Carly, 40, said: “William told us how it affected him as a father and how he felt our pain,” as quoted by a Daily Mail report. 

“He's amazing, a credit to our country... I've looked into his eyes and, genuinely, he has got a kind heart.”

William chose to walk three miles on the Sandringham estate in Norfolk between St Mary Magdalene Church and his home at Anmer Hall while he gave a remarkable insight into his state of mind in an intimate 38-minute programme.

As well as his mental trauma, he speaks movingly of personal moments that have shaped his life. 

Image Source: Instagram/dukeandduchessofcambridge